Vince Neil Is Healthy Again And Back On Stage, But Still Sucks At Singing

I know by now you’re probably as tired of hearing about Vince’s bad singing as I am of writing about it. And I wouldn’t be writing about it again if it weren’t for the fact that 1) I LOVE Motley Crue, 2) The Stadium Tour is just a few months away and he’s supposed to be headlining, and 3) he sings so horribly I don’t even think he’s trying anymore or even cares!

He has recovered from his rib injuries well enough that he’s ok playing some solo gigs again. Which is where we get him not remembering the words, not singing half of the words, and not hitting most of the notes in most of the songs. If this were a one time missed note, or forgot a line every now and then I wouldn’t be talking about it at all because that happens to all musicians even the most professional. But Vince’s disregard for even trying to put on a decent performance is starting to seem to me like a guy who just doesn’t give a damn about his fans. The only other reason I can come up with for being THIS bad of a singer is maybe he’s fried that part of his brain that remembers lyrics or can control pitch or something. Here’s an example of the early Vince when Motley Crue played the US Festival back in 1983. Now his performance isn’t perfect by any means but I’ve started this video at the 37 minute mark and listen to him perform Live Wire by singing all the words and remembering all the lyrics and hitting almost all the notes fairly well.

Now compare that to this most recent video of Vince on Thanksgiving in Las Vegas doing Shout At The Devil and Looks That Kill, and I think he says maybe 5 intelligible words during 2 songs. Everything is else just “hey hey, blah bam scrible de domma”. This is the worst singing I’ve ever heard in my life and I’ve watched multiple seasons of American Idol AND America’s Got Talent. Clearly Vince can still say words clearly like when he tells the crowd to “make some f@#king noise” clear as day. But as soon as he tries to sing a word its like his brain shuts off. If Vince sounds like this during the Stadium Tour I’m asking for my money back. Orlando is only the 3rd stop on the twice re-scheduled tour so he won’t be able to claim fatigue or anything, just a bad entertainer.